Trainings support us to gain knowledge and experience around NonViolent Communication
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Stella organizes many individual trainings. Also, upon request, in cooperation with groups, organizations, schools and other institutions.
Trainings can focus on different aspects of NVC and can be tailored to the needs of the population they are addressed to. Trainings can take the form of introductory evenings, weekend, monthly or longer-term courses, retreats and more. Although in our days trainings can take place online, Stella has a huge preference for meeting people in person and delivering live courses.
Trainings can take place all around Greece and abroad.
To design a training tailored to your needs or to take part in a scheduled training, contact Stella here.
Some basic skills that we work on during NVC Sessions & Trainings include:
- listening deeper to ourselves and others, focusing on listening for elements that help us understand rather than judge
- expressing honestly, in a way that looks after the connection with our values and respects the other
- asking clearly what we want, considering the other, remaining open to hearing ‘no’ response for us
- saying ‘no’ to prioritize important needs, say it with care for the other and stay responsive to feelings that comes up
- self-connection in difficult dialogues
- connecting compassionately with our anger, guilt, and shame
- interrupting people with confidence and care for them in order to protect presence and authentic connection
- giving, receiving and asking for meaningful and respectful feedback
- being more present
- giving space to celebration and mourning